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Issues: matomo-org/matomo

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Build a RESTful API for Piwik c: Platform For Matomo platform changes that aren't impacting any of our APIs but improve the core itself. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc. Major Indicates the severity or impact or benefit of an issue is much higher than normal but not critical.
#6000 opened Aug 14, 2014 by tsteur Visionary Features Backlog
Google Cloud SQL compatibility: do not call 'SHOW COLUMNS' often c: Performance For when we could improve the performance / speed of Matomo. Task Indicates an issue is neither a feature nor a bug and it's purely a "technical" change.
#5992 opened Aug 13, 2014 by sbesnaud Backlog (Help wanted)
Refactor updater and maybe installer Major Indicates the severity or impact or benefit of an issue is much higher than normal but not critical. Task Indicates an issue is neither a feature nor a bug and it's purely a "technical" change.
#5985 opened Aug 12, 2014 by tsteur Backlog (Help wanted)
Advanced options in Settings are hard to spot c: Usability For issues that let users achieve a defined goal more effectively or efficiently. Task Indicates an issue is neither a feature nor a bug and it's purely a "technical" change.
#5979 opened Aug 11, 2014 by rivadav Backlog (Help wanted)
Show goals triggered as a "Next action" in transitions c: Consistent Reports & Analytics UX For bugs and features that make Analytics reporting UI behave more consistently. c: Goals For bugs and features related to goals tracking & reporting. c: Usability For issues that let users achieve a defined goal more effectively or efficiently. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc. Major Indicates the severity or impact or benefit of an issue is much higher than normal but not critical.
#5975 opened Aug 11, 2014 by McSta Priority Backlog (Help wanted)
create plugin to allow tracking user/visitor feedback c: New plugin For features that probably will not be added to Matomo, but could be implemented as plugins. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5968 opened Aug 10, 2014 by diosmosis Backlog (Help wanted)
Use machine learning to create better insights Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc. Help wanted Beginner friendly issues or issues where we'd highly appreciate community's help and involvement.
#5959 opened Aug 9, 2014 by mattab Backlog (Help wanted)
Integrate Matomo with Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5938 opened Aug 6, 2014 by mattab Backlog (Help wanted)
Measure the Internet of Things (IoT) c: Platform For Matomo platform changes that aren't impacting any of our APIs but improve the core itself. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc. Task Indicates an issue is neither a feature nor a bug and it's purely a "technical" change.
#5935 opened Aug 5, 2014 by mattab Backlog (Help wanted)
Rename plugin.json to use composer.json c: Platform For Matomo platform changes that aren't impacting any of our APIs but improve the core itself. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5921 opened Aug 4, 2014 by mattab Backlog (Help wanted)
Visitor profile: shorten info later, use less right margin Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5915 opened Aug 4, 2014 by hpvd Backlog (Help wanted)
Write blog post about new Github issues mirror project c: Website For issues related to our website. Task Indicates an issue is neither a feature nor a bug and it's purely a "technical" change.
#5913 opened Aug 3, 2014 by mattab Backlog (Help wanted)
Add more default dashboards or add a plugin to the Marketplace that provides further dashboards Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc. Help wanted Beginner friendly issues or issues where we'd highly appreciate community's help and involvement.
#5908 opened Aug 3, 2014 by tsteur Backlog (Help wanted)
Installation of clean piwik fails when using alternative portnumber for MySQL Bug For errors / faults / flaws / inconsistencies etc.
#5865 opened Jul 21, 2014 by RMastop Backlog (Help wanted)
VisitorMap Cities view doesnt show some cities Bug For errors / faults / flaws / inconsistencies etc.
#5855 opened Jul 18, 2014 by ThaDafinser Backlog (Help wanted)
Live widget does not support multiple idSite (e.g. idSite=1,2,3) Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5846 opened Jul 16, 2014 by yonailo Backlog (Help wanted)
Add the support of search engines by images Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5839 opened Jul 15, 2014 by Zefling Backlog (Help wanted)
Differentiate search engines by group: web / image / video Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5838 opened Jul 15, 2014 by Zefling Backlog (Help wanted)
disable ExampleRssWidget plugin by default Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5836 opened Jul 15, 2014 by leo108 Backlog (Help wanted)
Support period=range in Insight reports c: Consistent Reports & Analytics UX For bugs and features that make Analytics reporting UI behave more consistently. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5815 opened Jul 11, 2014 by tsteur Priority Backlog (Help wanted)
add bug reporting feature to help page Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc. Help wanted Beginner friendly issues or issues where we'd highly appreciate community's help and involvement.
#5810 opened Jul 10, 2014 by diosmosis Backlog (Help wanted)
Client detection c: Platform For Matomo platform changes that aren't impacting any of our APIs but improve the core itself. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc. Major Indicates the severity or impact or benefit of an issue is much higher than normal but not critical.
#5413 opened Jul 4, 2014 by sgiehl Backlog (Help wanted)
Backup "config.ini.php" before installation of plug-in ... Task Indicates an issue is neither a feature nor a bug and it's purely a "technical" change.
Save & restore preferences of all reports including ecommerce reports and custom reports c: Ecommerce For issues related to Ecommerce analytics within Matomo c: Usability For issues that let users achieve a defined goal more effectively or efficiently. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc. Major Indicates the severity or impact or benefit of an issue is much higher than normal but not critical.
#5386 opened Jun 26, 2014 by mattab 5.6.0
Build Health Analytics with Piwik, Google Fit Analytics Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#5357 opened Jun 18, 2014 by mattab Backlog (Help wanted)
ProTip! no:milestone will show everything without a milestone.