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Issues: matomo-org/matomo

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Info tooltip for every table column explaining computations behind measures Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17230 opened Feb 17, 2021 by KrzysztofMadejski For Prioritization
Pages report should have visualizations Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17229 opened Feb 17, 2021 by KrzysztofMadejski For Prioritization
Store an upgrade log and show it in system check (or somewhere else) Easier debugging For issues that make troubleshooting issues for developers easier.
#17221 opened Feb 14, 2021 by tsteur For Prioritization
Add feature to receive an email when an error happens during cron archiving (cron:archive command) Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17210 opened Feb 11, 2021 by bbodenmiller For Prioritization
Matomo 4 - Android Mobile Chrome Browser - UI Touch Issue Bug For errors / faults / flaws / inconsistencies etc. c: Design / UI For issues that impact Matomo's user interface or the design overall.
#17208 opened Feb 10, 2021 by dev-101 For Prioritization
Segment comparison in e-mail reports c: Email Reports For bugs and features related to their analytics reports received by email. c: Segments Segmentation and Segment editor related improvements and fixes.
#17207 opened Feb 9, 2021 by jannejava For Prioritization
Resolution improvement Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17200 opened Feb 7, 2021 by math-GH For Prioritization
jsoncallback API parameter doesn't work with getBulkRequest Bug For errors / faults / flaws / inconsistencies etc. c: APIs For bugs and features in the Matomo HTTP and plugin APIs.
#17189 opened Feb 4, 2021 by Findus23 5.x.0 - Priority issues
persian lang bug and non-responsive in phone c: Design / UI For issues that impact Matomo's user interface or the design overall.
#17188 opened Feb 4, 2021 by mhfa1380 Backlog (Help wanted)
Event tracking documentation link to tag manager installation does not link to anywhere useful c: Documentation For issues related to in-app product help messages, or to the Matomo knowledge base. c: Website For issues related to our website.
#17184 opened Feb 3, 2021 by unikitty37 For Prioritization
tcpdf - Warning - array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given - Matomo 4.1.1 Can't reproduce (yet) For issues that are reported by several people, but can't be reproduced reliably and need more data
#17182 opened Feb 3, 2021 by datango For Prioritization
Tracked dimension with a value of '0' does not appear in the Visitor Profile Bug For errors / faults / flaws / inconsistencies etc.
#17179 opened Feb 2, 2021 by voxspox For Prioritization
Feature request: improve documentation on reading user consent state c: APIs For bugs and features in the Matomo HTTP and plugin APIs. c: Documentation For issues related to in-app product help messages, or to the Matomo knowledge base. c: Privacy For issues that impact or improve the privacy. c: Tracking For issues related to getting tracking data into Matomo. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17169 opened Jan 30, 2021 by unikitty37 5.x.0 - Priority issues
Update Matomo to 3.13 to 4.1.0 leads to blank page Likely a server config issue Indicates that the issue is not in Matomo and a fix likely requires a server configuration change.
#17167 opened Jan 30, 2021 by brijoyj For Prioritization
How to hide accessors's raw ip address without using "IP annonimaization". c: New plugin For features that probably will not be added to Matomo, but could be implemented as plugins. Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17164 opened Jan 29, 2021 by skingoh For Prioritization
Can't use site search URLs for goal Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17156 opened Jan 27, 2021 by mkindred For Prioritization
Email reports with a CSV file should use the friendly column names ("Visits" instead of "nb_visits") c: Consistent Reports & Analytics UX For bugs and features that make Analytics reporting UI behave more consistently. c: Usability For issues that let users achieve a defined goal more effectively or efficiently. Help wanted Beginner friendly issues or issues where we'd highly appreciate community's help and involvement.
#17122 opened Jan 20, 2021 by mattab 5.3.0
Incorrect handling of special character in custom dimension values Bug For errors / faults / flaws / inconsistencies etc. c: Custom Dimensions For issues related to the Custom Dimensions plugin.
#17119 opened Jan 19, 2021 by Grolleau Backlog (Help wanted)
Contents report shows up empty when no content impressions tracked but content interactions Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17109 opened Jan 18, 2021 by krithikabalu Backlog (Help wanted)
Have a minimal JS tracker with only very basic features c: New plugin For features that probably will not be added to Matomo, but could be implemented as plugins. c: Performance For when we could improve the performance / speed of Matomo. Help wanted Beginner friendly issues or issues where we'd highly appreciate community's help and involvement.
#17094 opened Jan 15, 2021 by tsteur Backlog (Help wanted)
Automated updater doesn't check PHP version Can't reproduce (yet) For issues that are reported by several people, but can't be reproduced reliably and need more data
#17088 opened Jan 13, 2021 by waldoj For Prioritization
Percent rate for events Enhancement For new feature suggestions that enhance Matomo's capabilities or add a new report, new API etc.
#17069 opened Jan 10, 2021 by Chardonneaur Backlog (Help wanted)
Trailing slashes - tracked as two separate pages c: New plugin For features that probably will not be added to Matomo, but could be implemented as plugins.
#17055 opened Jan 6, 2021 by agendartobias Backlog (Help wanted)
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2024-04-13.